TORSO Soccer

Stay in the know

TORSO uses Textedly, a service that alerts our managers, players, and referees to field conditions in real time.
  • Textedly is completely free for our members to use
  • We send out field status updates each Sunday morning, usually around 11 AM (or 2 PM during our Summer league)
  • Typically we send out just one update per week, but in the case of inclement weather, we will send as many updates as needed to keep our membership informed
  • The only messages you will receive will be from TORSO
  • You won’t receive any other messages during the week from the service
  • Managers, players, and referees can all use the service!

To sign up, text the keyword TORSOSOCCER to 844.364.1838

Rainout Procedures

  • Our goal is to publish rain out information each Sunday by 11:15am
  • We are dependent on field management for updates
  • If our notice says that fields are open, but conditions look questionable, go to the field and the referees will make the decision.
  • If a game does not complete past two-thirds of full time, the game is not official and will be replayed

Lightning Policy

If lightning is seen in the area, play will be suspended for 30 minutes from the time that the lightning is sighted. Players, spectators, and officials are strongly advised to seek safety. The 30 minute clock will reset each time lightning is sighted.
If no lightning is observed in the next 30 minutes, play may resume if the referee judges field conditions to be safe and playable, and if there is no contradicting directive from a field/park representative. Guidelines for restarting play:
  • The most important consideration is the safety of players, referees, and spectators.
  • If a game is shortened due to a delay, the goal should be to play to the point where it is an official game (at least 2/3 of regulation game time – 60 minutes for a 90 minute game) if that is safely possible.
  • Delays should not cause a game to go past two hours and fifteen minutes after scheduled kickoff (for example, 3:15 for a 1pm game).
  • If a delay would not allow completion of 2/3 of regulation game time before two hours and fifteen minutes after scheduled kickoff, then the game should be abandoned.
  • If a game is delayed for lightning after 2/3 of regulation game time, the game should be ended at that point since it is an official game.
The referee crew is encouraged to err on the side of caution.
In the event that the lightning policy of a park or direction from park officials conflicts with the TORSO policy, the park’s policy shall take precedence.