TORSO Soccer

Jinny Sutherland I Orange Crush
Jamie Montross | Maven Ravens
Michael T Adams I Blue Fusion
Referee Liaison
Julie Adams | Blue Fusion
Seomara Reyes | Dragons
In addition to the Board of Directors, TORSO also has an Administrator
Anna Demoplis

Office Hours: 
Monday – Friday: 12PM to 8PM
Saturday: 12PM to 4PM

CLOSED SUNDAY. If you have an urgent message that cannot wait for normal office hours, please reach out to the President, Vice President or the Referee Liasion.

BOD Job Descriptions

All officers shall be elected at the end of their two-year term at a League meeting or at the Annual Meeting.
The President shall be in general charge of the affairs of TORSO in the ordinary course of its business. In addition, the President shall:
  • Direct the general operations of TORSO.
  • Have general supervision over the other officers.
  • Oversee that TORSO is directed in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Preside at all Board and League meetings.
  • Represent TORSO at all community and public functions.
  • Represent TORSO at TSSAS Council meetings.
  • Appoint, with the approval of the Board, an interim replacement to fill a vacancy on the Board (as per TORSO Constitution – Article XI).
  • Appoint members and chairs to all committees (except the D&P
  • Serve as an ex officio voting member of all committees (except Nominations/Election).
  • Prepare written reports as necessary.
  • Call special Board or League Meetings.
  • Serve as Chairperson of the Board of TORSO and call its meetings.

Vice President
The Vice President shall:
  • Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President in their absence or incapacity.
  • Perform any additional duties as may be designated by the President or the Board.
  • Serve as Parliamentarian at all meetings.
  • In addition to their normal duties, serve as interim President if the president resigns or is removed from office.
  • Review and decide outcome of abandoned games as defined under Article XII, Section 4.
  • Chair, Assemble and call the Disciplinary & Protest Committee to hear protests from teams and players in accordance with Article IX, which may be subject to TORSO disciplinary sanctions under Article X. 
  • Keep a permanent record of TORSO player bans. 
  • Serve on the Board of TORSO.

The Secretary shall:
  • Record minutes of all Board and League meetings.
  • Provide written copy of previous meeting minutes at next meeting for approval
  • Maintain the official records of TORSO, which shall include but not be limited to: minutes of meetings, committee reports, and record amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws and playing rules and the votes taken at any meeting.
  • Serve on the Board of TORSO.

The Treasurer shall maintain accurate TORSO financial records. In addition, the Treasurer shall:
  • Arrange for and keep a detailed record of income and expenditures.
  • Have custody of all monies and securities and deposit all such funds in the TORSO account at the financial institution designated by the Board.
  • Sign all checks and orders to withdraw funds in accordance with Article VIII.
  • Assist Board and Committees in preparation of their annual and playing season budgets.
  • Prepare and present to the Board and Team Representatives the proposed annual and playing session operating budgets for approval.
  • Submit TORSO financial books and records for the in-house reviews as required in Article VIII.
  • Present a written report of TORSO’s current financial condition at all regular Board and League meetings.
  • Serve on the Board of TORSO.
  • Send team fines collected to TSSAS as required.

Referee Liaison
The Referee Liaison shall:
  • Be responsible for working with each Referee Assignor regarding the scheduling of Game Officials to officiate at all TORSO games.
  • Act as a non-voting spokesperson for the referees at D&P Committee hearings.
  • Compile and assimilate Referee Evaluation sheets.
  • Work with each Referee Assignor to inform the Referees about the TORSO Exceptions to the FIFA Laws
  • Serve on the Board of TORSO.

Senior Commissioner
The Senior Commissioner shall:
  • Act as liaison between TORSO and USSF/TSSAS and provide the President with reports of all business pertinent to coed soccer conducted at meetings with USSF/TSSAS.
  • Perform any additional duties as may be designated by the President or the Board.
  • Serve on the Board of TORSO.
  • Advise and assist teams wishing to travel out of the South Texas boundaries for tournament play.
  • Distribute FIFA “Laws of the Game” books to Team Representatives if requested.
  • Work with the State Senior Commissioner in the organization and administration of the Coed State Cup.

The Members-At-Large shall:
  • Perform duties as needed to support the other officers of the Board.
  • Serve on the Board of TORSO.