TORSO Soccer

Team Registration

We gladly welcome new teams to the league. If you are the manager of a team that wishes to join TORSO, please contact the TORSO Administrator.

Player Registration

Any person, aged 30 years or older, may sign up for the TORSO Free Agent List. You must be 30 years old by the end of the season to register.
Once you have completed the application, you will be submitted to the list of open players.
Team managers request this list in order to fill open player spaces on their roster. You do not need to pay a player fee to join this list. Simply create your account to sign up.
Already have a team? Register below:

Tips For Finding A Team

Many teams have full rosters and may not be adding players at the time you sign up, so you might not be contacted by a team manager right away. However, TORSO does form new teams before the start of each season from players that are in our free agent pool. Those teams are typically put together in July or August for the fall season and in November or December for the spring season. It’s a good idea to re-submit your information during those months if you are interested in joining a new team.
We also run Free Agent Days from time to time, where free agents audition for managers of teams looking to add players.
As with most co-ed leagues, female players are in high demand. If you are a male and you know a female who wants to play, it’s a good idea to have her submit her information to the website. Female players are usually contacted more quickly than male players and you can often find a team who is willing to add a male player if he is with a female player. Goalkeepers are also in high demand, so if you’re willing to play goalie, include that as well.
Also consider these options:
  • Like our Facebook page, Teams occasionally post there when looking for players, and you’ll find information about league events there, like Free Agent Days.
  • Post on our Facebook page that you are looking to join a team. Be sure to include your location preference, your experience, and what position you play.
  • Contact team managers directly to see if they are looking for players. Team manager contact information is listed on each team page.

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